Turn your Garden Room into a Winter Wonderland

We’re not sure how it’s happened, but we’re hurtling towards Christmas and the winter months! And that means one thing, you need to make sure you’ve got the perfect snuggly spot for entertaining and relaxing in colder times.

Your garden room needs to transition from a summer soiree space into a warm winter wonderland and we’ve got some tips to help you do that and some suggestions for how you can use it.

Let’s take a look at some winter garden room tips.

Snug Den

Of course, everyone needs a cosy den to escape to sometimes, life’s hard enough without one! Whether it’s a space where you can curl up on the sofa and read a good book on a rainy day or a place to finally watch a film in peace, you need a den. Layer up your garden room with blankets, throws, cushions to really emphasise the cosy look and make sure you’ve got a plush armchair or sofa to get into relaxation mode.

This means that anyone in your family or household can relax in a private, snug space when they need to – helping to improve wellbeing and keep things ticking over.

Winter Office

The move to more hybrid ways of working by office-based businesses means that you’ll probably be able to work from home more often. Having a calm, private and comfortable home office is a must-have if this applies to you, so you can concentrate and stay productive. With commutes in the dark and colder weather making public transport more temperamental, if you can work from home more often then it’s integral that the space that you work in at home is inviting and inspiring.

A warm home office helps you to work at optimal levels and lots of natural light can keep you motivated.

If you have children and they need to do their homework and studying in a distraction-free zone then a home-office is perfect for getting them into the right state of mind for revision too.

Entertaining Space

You’re more restricted with areas to entertain when the nights draw colder. The garden doesn’t seem as much of an appealing option in sub zero temperatures! But what you can do is make your garden room an entertaining extension and invite guests into whatever you’ve decided to turn it into – a bar, a cinema room or keep it open to shield from the cold while also using a fire-pit etc outside.

This is a great option if you want to entertain away from the rest of your household, so if your partner or children want to have their friends around and have some privacy then everyone in the house can have their own space and no-one interrupting! For example, if someone’s come around for a quick emergency cuppa with a life crisis, you’ve got an ideal spot for giving advice.

For more information or advice about getting your own garden room or what to do with the one you’ve got, get in touch with our team at Bridge Timber for tips and options.