Winter Garden Room Ideas

The cold and rainy months can feel grim – it can feel like all you want to do is hide and hibernate until the warmer times come back around. But you don’t have to stay in one spot in the darker evenings when you’ve got a garden room that you can retreat to. Turn it into a warm and cosy snug that can be multi-functional and used for all sorts of fun reasons. 

Having that extra bit of space can make all the difference to your overall wellbeing in darker months when it can feel more difficult to stay motivated and positive, so let’s take a look at ways to transform your garden room into a winter snug to enjoy.


With the World Cup being held in November/December this year, it’s a shock to the system. No more beer gardens and big screens outside, it’s piling into pubs and trying to grab a seat about 7 hours before a match starts! Well, look no further than turning your garden room into the perfect personal pub for you and friends and family to enjoy.

Grab some bar stools, comfy armchairs and install your very own bar, or if you want to keep things flexible, you can stick to kegs, making cocktails or prosecco taps that you can remove when you need to.

It’s a great way to save money and not have to struggle to find a pub to sit and relax in.


There are few things worse than commuting in the winter months. It’s dark, cold and depressing. Being able to cut your commute out a couple of days of the week can make such a difference to your mindset and the amount of time that you have to spend at home relaxing or doing whatever you like to do in your spare time. 

Freeing up time can be one of the best ways to instantly improve every area of your life, so if you can turn your garden room into the ideal home working environment, then your commute can be as simple as popping through the garden with a coffee, instead of a packed train and no seat 5 days of the week.


Lugging yourself out into the cold and dark to go and exercise can feel like a mammoth task. Even though we all know the great benefits of exercise, it can feel so difficult to actually put into practise. Making it that little bit easier to get moving and do some exercise will be a net benefit with no downsides. Turn your garden room into a home gym, a yoga studio, a boxing space and host any of the equipment that you use to work out. You can save money on a gym membership and invite friends and family to exercise in a private comfortable space. This is especially good if you’re self-conscious about exercising in public.

For more advice and information about how you could use your garden room, get in touch with our team at Bridge Timber today.